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Dear Reader,
I love to share my words with the world. Mixing my personal experiences and stories with my knowledge and understanding of integrative wellness, I hope to offer authentic ways to better one's health, deepen one's thoughts, and strengthen one's connection with their inner light.
Below is a collection of some of my writings.
With Love,

1 min read
A Beautiful Day To Love Yourself
As the wonderful Lady Gaga once said, "I'm beautiful in my way 'cause God makes no mistakes I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this...

2 min read
You are so brave.
You are so brave. Look at you, getting up each morning, facing the day. It's not easy when you feel you're searching for the right...

2 min read
Taking Up Space
Have you ever noticed the space you take up within a room? Your energy goes beyond your physical body, but often we do not realize this....

2 min read
Letting Go of Labels
The mind likes to categorize. Place labels. Put things into boxes and organize things so that we can better understand. We use labels so...

2 min read
Thank you, brain
Journaling. A therapeutic release for my brain. Oh, how I love you, my brain, for keeping me alive. Allowing me to function, move, and...

1 min read
How Liberating
"How liberating it is to pursue wholeness over perfection" - MHN Give yourself permission just to be. Without judgment, without feelings...

2 min read
Happy New Year
As you looked over your social media feed this past week, you likely saw some highlight reels or exciting posts from friends, family,...

2 min read
A Loving Meditation
What makes a great gift? Is it the amount of money spent on it? Is it the amount of effort put into creating it? Is it the time spent...

2 min read
Feeling The Love
Life is much more than the strict schedules and lists of to-dos we create. It is an experience, a beautiful opportunity for our souls to...

2 min read
Mountain Beauty
It's incredible to wonder what mountains had to go through to stand as tall and beautiful as they do—undergoing such intense pressures...

1 min read
Letting Gratitude Wash Over You
Just like any emotion can wash over you, so can gratitude. Our minds may think we are great multitaskers, but in reality, when it comes...

1 min read
Morning Affirmations
What do you appreciate most about mornings? The sunrise, the quietness, being alone, a cup of coffee or tea? Take a moment to invite the...

2 min read
Taking the Leap
Part of me feels comfortable where I am, yet another part feels unrest, ready to grow, shift, and expand. One foot in, one foot out....

1 min read
A Thank You To Our Feet
When you feel the rough soles of your feet, you can tell your body's true age, and the years you have walked this earth. Your feet have...

1 min read
My Fuel
What fuels me? What stokes the fire to my inner flame? Sharing the lessons that have brought me freedom and inner peace. And the greatest...

2 min read
On a quiet morning...
On a quiet morning in my bed, I feel the sun peak through the shades. The air is still; peaceful. I haven't yet thought of my day ahead....

1 min read
Radical Acceptance
What if nothing in life annoyed you? What if everything in life was tolerable? What if you could always view things for what they were...

3 min read
Reading Vs TV Watching
A week had gone by, and I had not picked up a book, of which I have many that I am in the middle of reading. The last few nights, I had...

1 min read
Your Own Best Friend
What comes up for you when I say - You are the most special friend you have ever met. Even in the darkest of times, you have never been...

1 min read
A Peaceful World
What if there existed the most peaceful of worlds? A world where nothing felt rushed or strapped for time. A world where everything...

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